The Ultimate Health Elixir — Catch Z’s To Improve Your Healthspan

We often prioritize work over rest in today’s fast-paced and productivity-driven world. In the past, I chose to sleep less so that I could get...

Ejaculation Control: An Effective Way to an Energetic & Spiritual Life

The ultimate how-to guide for ejaculation control.

Make Discipline Effortless — Use Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Flow States

Create supportive environments and avoid environments that make discipline difficult

How Moving Under the Sun Affects Your Brain

What science tells us about exercise, sunlight and our minds


What Is the Mind-Body Connection?

Our minds and bodies are one, and they operate in perfect accord - usually. The mind-body connection is a complex phenomenon and we still don’t...

How to handle emotions

A few things to know about your feelings that might shed some light on what to do with them. Here’s a question. Are our emotions...

The Five Ways for Couples to Grow a Deeper Connection

Relationships are dynamic in their nature, and it’s no wonder that people find themselves on a rocky road from time to time. That is...

Parenting: The Gift of Understanding

Having hopes and dreams for your child is one of the hallmarks of a loving parent, devoted to setting the course of a child’s...

The Road to Wisdom Begins With a Deep Breath and an Open Mind

If you continue to make poor choices in life, you are a fool. That’s what my mum and dad like to say. They regularly...


The Five Ways for Couples to Grow a Deeper Connection

Relationships are dynamic in their nature, and it’s no wonder that people find themselves...

The Road to Wisdom Begins With a Deep Breath and an Open Mind

If you continue to make poor choices in life, you are a fool. That’s...

Depressed and anxious? Think pencil, not phone.

“Making art allows the lava of emotions pent up inside of me to flow...

How to Manage Compassion Fatigue

“It is not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and make your...

How Financially Prepared Are You for Unexpected Events?

Unexpected events come in all shapes and sizes. When they begin to unfold, the...

How to Become the Parent You Want to Be and Your Child Needs

You start out as the most important person in your child’s life. While your...

What a “Toxic” Relationship Really Feels Like

People use terms like “toxic” and “narcissist” and “gaslighting” these days. Practically every article...

Meditation Simplified

If you are reading this article, it’s likely that you have already started meditating...