The Ultimate Health Elixir — Catch Z’s To Improve Your Healthspan

We often prioritize work over rest in today’s fast-paced and productivity-driven world. In the past, I chose to sleep less so that I could get...

Ejaculation Control: An Effective Way to an Energetic & Spiritual Life

The ultimate how-to guide for ejaculation control.

Make Discipline Effortless — Use Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Flow States

Create supportive environments and avoid environments that make discipline difficult

How Moving Under the Sun Affects Your Brain

What science tells us about exercise, sunlight and our minds


A Meditation to Manage Your Type-A

I know you. You wake up early to get in a good workout. You work hard at your job, and you’re proud of your...

How Moving Under the Sun Affects Your Brain

What science tells us about exercise, sunlight and our minds

Parenting: The Gift of Understanding

Having hopes and dreams for your child is one of the hallmarks of a loving parent, devoted to setting the course of a child’s...

How Connecting with Nature Benefits Our Well-Being

It’s common knowledge that our environment plays a significant role in how we feel - too much noise makes us edgy, too many people...

The Ultimate Health Elixir — Catch Z’s To Improve Your Healthspan

We often prioritize work over rest in today’s fast-paced and productivity-driven world. In the past, I chose to sleep less so that I could get...


Overwhelmed With Questions About Life? Take This Buddha’s Advice.

“One must immerse oneself in the river of life and let the question drift...

How to Increase Self-Control in Children

Have you ever been in a situation when your three-year-old started throwing a tantrum...

How NLP Can Help You in Your Career

“So, what can NLP do to help me in my career?”, he wasted no...

Improve Your Work-Life Balance with a Digital Detox

When trying to establish a good balance between your job and personal life, it’s...

Impostor Syndrome

Have you ever experienced that nagging feeling that if people really knew what you...

Productivity Tips: How to Best Manage Your Emails

Whether you’re working, sleeping, eating, or spending quality time with your family doesn’t matter...

How to Spot Hypothyroidism Even When Your Blood Work ‘Seems Normal’

“Frau Meyer, your thyroid biomarkers are fine. The TSH and Total T4 levels seem...

5 Little Things That Can Change Your Relationship

It’s often easy to forget the amount of will, hardship, and perseverance it took...