The Ultimate Health Elixir — Catch Z’s To Improve Your Healthspan

We often prioritize work over rest in today’s fast-paced and productivity-driven world. In the past, I chose to sleep less so that I could get...

Ejaculation Control: An Effective Way to an Energetic & Spiritual Life

The ultimate how-to guide for ejaculation control.

Make Discipline Effortless — Use Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Flow States

Create supportive environments and avoid environments that make discipline difficult

How Moving Under the Sun Affects Your Brain

What science tells us about exercise, sunlight and our minds


How to Improve Self-Awareness

On a scale of 1 to 5, how self-aware are you? If the answer is 5, congratulations! Being highly self-aware implies that you have good leadership...

Five Scientific Ways Your Body Can Heal Itself

Our bodies are a fascinating subject, even more so when you consider how little is known about the intricacies of each organ. The science...

The Neuroscience of Narcissism

This series of articles has focused on narcissism and narcissistic abuse of children and how their past inhibits their present. However, some questions need...

How to Start Journaling for Mental Health

No matter what it is you’re trying to achieve, often, it’s getting started with the process that is the most troubling part of all....

Depressed and anxious? Think pencil, not phone.

“Making art allows the lava of emotions pent up inside of me to flow out slowly, avoiding an eruption. I fear that if people...


3 Ways Meditation Can Be Bad for You

Meditation is often seen as a panacea — a cure for all ills from...

How to Become the Parent You Want to Be and Your Child Needs

You start out as the most important person in your child’s life. While your...

Personal Growth: There Is No Failure, Only Feedback

If you’ve got your life on track right now, failure probably isn’t a topic...

5 Scientific Reasons Exercise is the Antidote for Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety Disorder first appeared as a diagnostic category in the Diagnostic and Statistical...

How You Should Start Your Workday When Working From Home

“The other day, I sat down to work in my home office, well-rested and...

Why Good Posture Matters

If you are reading this, you are either sitting, standing, lying on your bed...

Key Benefits of Meditation at Work

Meditation. It’s like going vegan or giving up Facebook: everyone’s doing it. In fact, a...

How to Keep Fit and Healthy When Confined

With the coronavirus outbreak, gyms are closed around the globe. You can no longer...