Content Requirements for Guest Writers
We are excited to collaborate with you!
We created Wholistique Content Requirements so that we can help you be successful when submitting an article to us. Please read through the document carefully before you submit your title / topic for an article. Keep in mind that we only accept original content and we check for plagiarism. If your suggested title and topic are approved, then you can begin writing the post. Please do not write the post before getting approval on the title and the topic.
Our goal
Our goal is to increase health and wellness awareness amongst the population, to promote healthy lifestyle behaviour through well-researched and interesting content, as well as to increase participation in wellness for all population groups.
We aim to educate and inform, as well as to raise debate and reflection.
We’re on a heart-led mission to offer people valuable content, to genuinely add value to their life and ultimately to the world itself.
Guest posts need to match our content: well-researched, long-form pieces that take a deep dive into one of the relevant topics, offering suggestions, examples, solutions, and actionable outcomes for the reader. It is very important to make the content actionable: what should our readers implement or do after reading your article? Will the article force them to think or act?
All guests posts must be original content and they cannot have been previously published. We rely on human minds and software to detect copied content.
Please make sure your article is going to align with our mission: to help people be more productive, raising their self-awareness, reducing stress and anxiety while finding meaning and purpose, and so on.
Ask yourself: Does my article addresses an actual problem or pain point people have? States in another way, are people actually searching for this?
Right now our focus is on these topics:
- Mind (Mindfulness, Stress management, Mental health, NLP, etc.)
- Love (Relationships, Family, Parenting, Children, etc.)
- Work (Deep Work, Productivity, Career, Work from home, Work–Life balance, etc.)
- Body (Nutrition, Fitness, Health, etc.)
The most successful articles tend to be:
- Lists (e.g., examples, tips, tools, tactics; has a thesis and offers a clear argument—not just a list of tips and tricks)
- How-to articles/guides
- Explainer posts (e.g., what is… / why x matters)
- Expert roundups
- Opinion posts / commentary / think-pieces
Opening Statement: A reader will be captivated, or not, within the first few sentences of an article. Please ensure that your opening paragraph is engaging, telling the reader exactly what they are about to experience and making them want to read on as they know they are about to gain benefit.
Please ensure that the tone of your article is positive, informative, inspiring and open-hearted. Messages that you share with our readers should help them to grow and be solution-focused.
Wholistique is absolutely not about negative, sarcastic, or polarizing approaches that create division between people.
Preparing articles
1. Article Preparation
An original article would normally consist of 1,200-3,000 words (excluding quotes, tables, references and author bio), although high-quality articles which exceed 1,800 words are preferred. While we prefer already mentioned length range, we’re more interested in what you have to say, and how you are saying it, than a specific word count. Always try to go beyond the basics and the obvious. Our articles are mainly limited to one page. There is no room for meandering, no space for encyclopedic completeness. You need to get in, score, and get out. All articles must be written in US English. The text of the article must include the following (see section 2 for further details):
- Title
- Meta description text
- Actionable Item
- References
- Additional resources
The text of the article must include the following:
- Images
- Citations
Occasionally, an article may contain a list or a table.
2. Title, Meta description, Actionable Item, References, Additional resources
Please assist us by following these guidelines:
- Create descriptive page titles: Titles are critical to giving users a quick insight into the content of a result and why it’s relevant to their query. It’s often the primary piece of information used to decide which result to click on, so it’s important to use high-quality titles for your articles. Length should be between 50 – 60 characters.
- Meta description text: A meta description text should generally inform and interest users with a short, relevant summary of what a particular page is about. They are like a pitch that convince the user that the page is exactly what they’re looking for. Make sure your descriptions are concise and truly descriptive at the same time. Length should be around approximately 150 characters.
- Actionable Item: Article should include either…
- One or more questions to prompt the reader to consider the topic in relation to their own situation and/or
- One or more actionable practical tips or ideas that the reader can easily start implementing in its life.
- References: The reference is the information that the reader needs in identifying and finding the sources used. References are very important for our site because they increase the expertise and credibility of the article, and it is easy to verify the accuracy and reliability of the content of the article. When giving source references, they must be accurate and complete. Link out to at least three relevant sources to support your article.
The three basic rules for guiding references are:
- Whenever you use someone else’s thoughts, ideas or attitude, use it as a reference.
- You should also indicate the reference when you:
- Paraphrase (express others’ thoughts in their own words);
- Cite (fully expressed by someone else’s thought);
- Copy (use another table, diagram or picture);
- Compose (express someone else’s thoughts in your own words in reduced form).
Each reference must appear only once in the document:
In abbreviated form, as a reference in the text, placed in brackets and linked to the related web page (if applicable). On our site, we use the system “author – date”. Under the author/year, you should insert a link leading to the source. The source has to be credible and reputable, preferably no older than 5-10 years since its publication because our articles need to reflect the latest state of scientific research.
The only instances when you may use citations older than that is when:
- The paper mentions some crucial discoveries in science that introduced huge changes.
- The paper includes standardizations or “discoveries” of certain scales (DASH questionnaires)
- The paper contains a staggering number of patients which is hard to repeat (in certain types of diseases, injuries, etc.)
- The paper contains case and single case studies on certain rare diseases, injuries, or health conditions that occur once in a while or on extremely rare occasions.
Wholistique uses Harvard Style of Referencing. For more detailed in-text citation guidelines, please visit this page and make sure to follow the rules when citing different sources depending on the number of authors or format.
- Additional resources: Article should include Additional resources (bolded) at the end of the article. Those should include at least three additional references to external reputable sources that may provide more insight to the reader on a particular topic. For example, an article called “6 Negative Effects of the Lack of Physical Activity” could contain an additional resource called “Colon Cancer Prevention” or “What Causes Stroke” as these two conditions are linked to the lack of physical activity.When possible, use another title for the additional resource but make sure to keep it as true to the original as possible. Additional resources must not be misleading. For example, if the original title is “The effects of aging: can they be reversed?”, you can rephrase it into “Can We Reverse the Aging Process?”Ideally, although not always possible, additional resources should mirror different subheadings of the article. For example, if the text about the negative effects of physical inactivity mentions stroke and rapid aging, additional resources may contain articles about how to slow down the aging process or prevent stroke.
Each additional resource must lead to a reputable and credible website while providing useful and verified information on the given topic.
3. Images
Images should be original and of high-quality and should be submitted as JPEG or PNG files, with a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768. We only accept the author’s own photos, so please do not use images from Google, Flickr or any other similar places.
We do not accept promotional images and images cannot have a company logo or brand.
Formatting & Grammar Tips
- Split up your content with relevant subheadings to make it easier for readers to follow the logical flow of ideas.
- Use H2 headings for your subheadings.
- Use H3 headings for sections within your subheadings. If you need to go another level deeper, go with H4.
- Keep paragraphs short and concise
- Be free to use bolding, in a natural way, within sentences to highlight important parts of the text that seems the most relevant to the reader. They can add clarity, making the text easier to scan or call attention to a specific part of the text. Remember the golden rule, be natural. Don’t overuse it.
- Italicize quotes.
- Refrain from using underlines.
- Make sure to have a spelling/grammar assistance tool installed on your computer to avoid spelling or other language mistakes. Nonetheless, you should always check the text manually before submitting.
- Capitalize words in the article title.
- Emphasized (“Italic”) text should be denoted with the tag.
- Important (“Bold”) text should be denoted with the
Republishing Content
In order to avoid duplicate content issues, we do not permit content to be republished after publishing on Wholistique without written agreement with Wholistique.
Link Policy
We encourage you to use reference links as authoritative sources which will tell the reader that you are pointing to other perspectives and evidence in support of your argument. Otherwise, all you have is a theory without substantiation.
You are free to link to other reliable, authoritative and closely related sources. At the same time, we are very careful with links within the content and we are on the lookout for links that appear promotional.
We don’t allow promotional links, link building schemes or affiliate links. We reserve the right to remove any links that do not provide value to the audience at any time, before or after an article is published.
As an author, you’ll be presented within the Author box, along with a photo next to your name. Please send us your bio with the high-resolution colour photo (preferably headshot; minimum size 250 x 250 px) which will present you within Autor Box. Author Bio should be a maximum of 100 words long.
In your Author Bio, you may include one closely related URL (ex: company website, personal blog, etc) as well as URLs to your social media accounts (LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook).
If you have written more than 3 articles on Wholistique or you are a well-known expert, you will be able to include up to 3 close related URLs.
These URLs may have branded anchor or naked URL only.
How to Write an Author Bio
- Write in the third person
- Establish credibility
- Explain what you do
- Be (appropriately) personal
- Try to avoid using the word “Freelancer”
- Keep it short and sweet
Support your work
Support your work and our mission in the world by sharing your article on your social media channels. Feel free to use the hashtag #Wholistique.
At the end
Guest blogging is an opportunity for professionals with connections to the wellness industry to share their personal knowledge, experience and perspective on industry matters. Please do not submit work that is self-promotional.
When you submit your article, be sure to make our work easier by following the simple instructions that we are giving you. Write, edit and proofread your work. Make it grammatically correct.
To adhere to Google’s quality guidelines, articles that are clearly intended as a link building scheme will be immediately rejected. Our editorial team reserves the right to edit and adapt your content as necessary, and update it in the future for comprehensiveness and accuracy.
We want to create good relationships with our authors. You can make this possible by being a great writer who writes from the heart, and not merely to get backlinks.
Thank you and good luck!