The Ultimate Health Elixir — Catch Z’s To Improve Your Healthspan
We often prioritize work over rest in today’s fast-paced and productivity-driven world.
In the past, I chose to sleep less so that I could get...
Ejaculation Control: An Effective Way to an Energetic & Spiritual Life
The ultimate how-to guide for ejaculation control.
Make Discipline Effortless — Use Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Flow States
Create supportive environments and avoid environments that make discipline difficult
How Moving Under the Sun Affects Your Brain
What science tells us about exercise, sunlight and our minds
How to Keep Fit and Healthy When Confined
With the coronavirus outbreak, gyms are closed around the globe. You can no longer run in the park or go hiking. You can’t even...
What a “Toxic” Relationship Really Feels Like
People use terms like “toxic” and “narcissist” and “gaslighting” these days. Practically every article you read refers to relationship terms that aren’t well defined.
Five Powerful Brain Hacks You Can Do in Under Five Minutes
We have all been there. The exams are coming up, and the pressure seems to be overwhelming. At those moments, you can’t help but...
‘Just Be Yourself’ — The Journey Towards Authenticity.
‘Just Be Yourself’
I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s been given this piece of advice a million times.
When I was about eight years...
10 Parenting Principles I’ve Used to Improve My Sleep Hygiene
I’m a dad of two. That means I’m responsible not just for my own wellbeing, but also my family’s health and happiness.
And sometimes, the...
Social Media Is Causing Opinion Fatigue
Way back in 1996, journalist Tom Sutcliffe jokingly invented the term...
The Ultimate Health Elixir — Catch Z’s To Improve Your Healthspan
We often prioritize work over rest in today’s fast-paced and productivity-driven...
Make Discipline Effortless — Use Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Flow States
Create supportive environments and avoid environments that make discipline difficult
10 Parenting Principles I’ve Used to Improve My Sleep Hygiene
I’m a dad of two. That means I’m responsible not just...
These three dietary principles will change your life and career
Food is fuel, and when I realized that in my early 30s everything changed....
How to Manage Compassion Fatigue
“It is not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and make your...
5 Little Things That Can Change Your Relationship
It’s often easy to forget the amount of will, hardship, and perseverance it took...
How to Start Journaling for Mental Health
No matter what it is you’re trying to achieve, often, it’s getting started with...
What a “Toxic” Relationship Really Feels Like
People use terms like “toxic” and “narcissist” and “gaslighting” these days. Practically every article...
What is Considered a Sedentary Lifestyle
The deeper our bond with technology, the more reliant we become on it. Not...
Ejaculation Control: An Effective Way to an Energetic & Spiritual Life
The ultimate how-to guide for ejaculation control.
Five Reasons to Love Apples
While you are probably in no need of reasons to eat apples beyond their...