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According to the World Health Organization, health is a term we use to signify our complete “physical, mental, and social well being and not only the absence of illness or infirmity.” As a component of general health, mental health stays closely linked to the remaining two components but has its own distinctive properties and axis.

In the face of excessive workload, managing work and family, and all the other elements of our daily lives, we often neglect our mental health. More often than not, we tend to turn a blind eye to a lot of red flags indicating that our mental health might be compromised. While some of us interpret it as a sign of weakness, others avoid admitting they have a problem because they are afraid of being judged or misunderstood. The truth is that neither of these is the right path to take. Sweeping any symptoms under the rug can only make things worse. For this reason, every person is strongly encouraged to open up about these things and pay close attention to their mental health.

Seeing as mental health is not only the absence of illness, prevention plays one of the key roles in maintaining one’s mental health. Spreading awareness on this topic is of paramount importance as a great number of people still find this a taboo. In reality, mental health is as important as physical health. Actually, it affects the latter more than we can possibly imagine.

Sample Category I

Phasellus vel mauris fringilla, tincidunt augue a, pellentesque lorem. Proin nunc tellus, placerat sed turpis eget, dapibus tempor dolor.

Sample Category II

Phasellus vel mauris fringilla, tincidunt augue a, pellentesque lorem. Proin nunc tellus, placerat sed turpis eget, dapibus tempor dolor.

Sample Category III

Phasellus vel mauris fringilla, tincidunt augue a, pellentesque lorem. Proin nunc tellus, placerat sed turpis eget, dapibus tempor dolor.

Sample Category IV

Phasellus vel mauris fringilla, tincidunt augue a, pellentesque lorem. Proin nunc tellus, placerat sed turpis eget, dapibus tempor dolor.

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